is highest selling rice bran oil in Bangladesh. Our physically refined oil with the goodness of Gamma Oryzanol, helps increase your good cholesterol and reduce bad holesterol. It is rich in Vitamin A, D & E, and has squalene which improves skin tone and delays wrinkle formation, along with a host of other rice bran oil benefits. So, switch to this healthy cooking oil and make the right choice for your family.

  • The outer layer of the rice grain is called bran and the oil is extracted from this brown husk. It has a mild flavour in taste.

  • Rice bran might help lower cholesterol because it contains the right amount of oryzanol which is an antioxidant.

  • It absorbs less oil which is why you also need to be careful of the quantity you use. In fact, it tends to feel less oily on the tongue.

  • It is rich in Vitamin E which is powerful antioxidant and has antimutagenic properties which prevent from cancer.

  • Squalene is a compound present in Rice Bran Oil which is easily absorbed by the skin and keeps it soft, supple and smooth.

Rice bran oil is mostly monounsaturated – a tablespoon contains 7 grams of onounsaturated fat, three of saturated fat and five of polyunsaturated fat. In comparison, a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil contains 11 grams of monounsaturated fat, two grams of saturated fat and one gram of polyunsaturated fat. Rice bran oil also contains components of vitamin E that may benefit health.

A study from the University of Rochester in New York showed that isolated vitamin fractions in rice bran oil may be useful for cholesterol control, although most of the evidence for this comes from studies in lab animals. In one of these studies, total cholesterol dropped by 42 percent in lab rats fed a concentrated fraction of vitamin E called tocotrienol rich fraction (TRF) extracted from rice bran oil. The animals’ LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels dropped as much as 62 percent after their diets were supplemented with TRF. The study was published in the May, 2005, issue of Food and Chemical Toxicology.